PRA Chapter 5 News: May 2000

The next meeting of PRA Chapter 5 will be May 28, 2000 at 1 pm, Yuba County Airport, Marysville.

Bob A and his Bandit Pro, now with blades and N number! Bob L is also checking it out. Must be getting real close now. In the background is Gary's Brewer Special.
The April meeting was held on the 30th at Nut Tree. We had a good turnout and one guest visiting from Reno. Troy brought up his idea of flying at the Black Rock Desert the last weekend of July. This is a dry lake bed about an hour north of Reno and 40 miles by 7 miles in size. Closer and bigger than El Mirage! The altitude there is about 4500 feet. Everyone loved the idea. A couple of the members have been there and agree this would be a great place to fly our gyros. Let's start planning this trip at the next meeting.

It's also time to start planning our flight to El-Mirage in September. At least two and maybe three RAF 2000s will be flying from here to El-Mirage this year. Are any Bandits or other types going to join us? It's time to get a Los Angeles sectional and start getting serious about this long cross country. It should be a great time!

We have finally obtained a big grill for the picnic in June! At the meeting, it was decided that everyone should bring whatever meat they want to cook on the grill and one side dish to share. This will spread the cost out so we don't have to use as much club money. The club will supply the other items such as plates, utensils, sodas and the fire.

Since the meeting, Tim has been building this horizontal stabilizer for his RAF 2000, thanks to some help from Gary. It mounts around the keel and extends back beyond the tail wheel. All that remains is to cover it and fly it!

Gyros Seen Invading Fly-In's!

Mark may have got a head start toward our new most fly-ins attended trophy by being the only gyro to fly to the Watts-Woodland Fly-In. Here's what Bob L. said on the conference:

"On May 6,2000 Woodland Aviation the largest Westcoast Beechcraft Dealer held their annual flyin. Eighty five aircraft arrived including restored T28s, T34s, Cessnas,Cozys,RV4, RV6 etc. When the smoke settled, the best original design AND the Best of show trophies went to a lowly gyro.- Congrats Mark, you won everything! To Marks credit he passed out information Packages for his friend,welder and co-designer Joe Souza. Mark drew the crowd over to the runway when he departed and made a high speed pass. Every kid on the field wanted his/her picture taken with the shark mouth gyro. Mark was happy to accomodate them. In conclusion, it was a great day for gyros and Mark."
--Bob Lewis

Chapter 5 provided a fine display of gyroplanes on May 20 at the EAA Chapter 1112 Fly-In at Oroville. After weeks of chill, or rain, or wind, or combination of meteorological unpleasantness, there was prospect of a warm, sunny day.

By seven thirty, six gyros from Marysville were ready for flight: Mark's Predator, Shawn's re-tailed Air Command, and four Bandits (George, Troy, Jerry, and Gary L's). Presently Gary B. arrived in his RAF with Bob L., and the contingent straggled off single file towards the north. Joe started first in Gary's Rotax Ultralight Mighty Mouse Special, and must've found some extra horsepower somewhere, because the rest of the bandit drivers didn't see him again till Oroville. During the thirty mile flight the faster RAF and Predator gyros went their own way, but the remaining four stuck close enough together to land as a group.

The gyro display area near the main hangar was graced with seven (count 'em) seven fly-in machines. Now the weather was altogether too warm and too sunny. A nearby hangar provided shade where we could visit while keeping an eye on the gyros. Once the shade was gone there was less reason to stay. Troy, Shawn, and George didn't wait for the cooler air of the evening to depart.

With the severe weather season now past, we can look forward to more such excursions.
--George Atkinson

New Chapter Officer nominations will be coming up at the picnic meeting in June and then elections a month later in July. Start thinking about what you would like to do or who you want to nominate. Don't like something about the club, or have some great ideas on how to improve it? This is your chance to do something about it!

It's also time to work on your flying skills. At the picnic in June we will have timed pylon and bomb drop events. And finally, someone just sent me this amusing little bit:

All of us like to get high,
yet we safely and legally fly.
It's autorotation
(and not inhalation)
that lifts us up into the sky.

Upcoming Events

Yuba County Airport, Marysville:
May 28, 2000
Chapter meeting at 1pm
June 23, 2000
Set up for the air show
June 24, 2000
Air Expo 2000
June 25, 2000
Annual Chapter 5 Club Picnic / Flying Contests / Officer Nominations

PRA Chapter 5 meetings are regularly scheduled for the 4th Sunday of the month at 1pm unless they need to be rescheduled. The next meeting is May 28, 2000: Yuba County Airport, Marysville.
Join PRA PRA Chapter 5 Newsletters are also available on-line at:

Timothy D. Witham <>
Last modified: Sun May 21 20:50:24 PDT 2000